Announcement for 1st MUMOLADE Winter School, Zurich December ’12

The second network event in the MUMOLADE project will take place in Zurich from Dec. 3.-11. The name of the winter school will be "Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Landslides and Debris Flow" and will be open and fully granted for interested researchers outside the Mumolade network.

This one week school is held at the ETH Zurich with a one day excursion to the WSL in Davos. Teaching is focused on the assessment of gravitational flows by computations, experiments, and in nature. We provide a series of comprehensive lectures and talks on modeling techniques for granular flow, experimental possibilities in geotechnical laboratories and today’s engineering practice in prediction and protection measures. A special guest lecturer will be Prof. Kolumban Hutter.

In the second week software training by Itasca and professional complementary skill training will be provided for the Mumolade fellows.

Please consult the Winter School’s website for the detailed programme and directions.