Announcement for 3rd Mumolade Workshop, Darmstadt, June 2014


Announcement for 3rd Mumolade Workshop, Darmstadt, June 2014


The third workshop of the MUMOLADE project will take place in Darmstadt from June 23, - July 1, 2014. Advanced scientific training courses and the skill training on “Consulting Challenge Workshop” will be provided for our ESR and ER fellows. A visiting to GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and ESA (European Space Agency) is also part of the programme.




Technical University Darmstadt (TUD)




When & what:
1) June 23 -27, (Monday -Friday) Lectures
2) June 30 (Monday), Trainings
3) July 1 (Tuesday), Visiting (GSI, ESA)


