Announcement for MUMOLADE Winter School in Padua, January 2015
The MUMOLADE initial training network is now announcing that the next network event of the MUMOLADE project – the Winter School 2015 on Landslides and Debris Flow – will take place at the University of Padova, Italy, from 19th to 23th of January 2015.
The main objective of the Winter School is to provide a high quality training to a new generation of multidisciplinary researchers. The content of the Winter School will include extended courses on computational mechanics for multi-phase porous materials (from physics to coupled mathematical models and their numerical solution with the finite element method, including lectures on hydraulic fracture, DEM and tumor growth modelling), high performance computing and isogeometric analysis. The scientific challenges of Vajont catastrophic landslide (Italy, October 1963) will also be addressed.
The Winter School will also be open for young researchers working in the fields outside the Mumolade project. The number of the external researchers who can be accepted to participate in the event is limited to 15. The participation is fully granted.
Please visit the Winter School’s webpage for the detailed programme and directions. For application of a grant please contact us over the project’s website here until Dec. 18th, 2014. An official invitation will be sent to those who are positively determined for the participation in the event.