The 3rd Mumolade Workshop, Darmstadt, June 2014
The 3rd MUMOLADE workshop took place at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD) from June 23 to July 1, 2014. Advanced scientific training courses and the skill training on “Consulting Challenge Workshop” were provided for the ESR and ER fellows of the MUMOLADE. A visiting to the research institutes GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and ESA (European Space Agency) was also organized as part of the programme.
The scientific training covered the following subjects:
- Thermodynamic analysis of solid-fluid mixtures, Prof. K. Hutter
- Laboratory experiments on dry granular avalanches, Prof. S. Hsiau
- Experiments on shear banding and hydraulic behaviors, Prof. R. Katzenbach
- Mathematical methods in Fluid Mechanics, Prof. M. Oberlack
- Shallow creeping flow of landslides, Prof. K. Hutter
- Shallow rapid granular avalanches, Prof. K. Hutter
- Two-layer shallow flow, Prof. K. Hutter
- Computational Methods on granular flow, Prof. S. Hsiau
- Other investigations on granular flow, Prof. S. Hsiau
- Turbulent dispersed multiphase flows, Prof. A. Sadiki
Complementary training on Project risk management & Personal and career management was provided by Dr. T. Meier.
Taken the feedback from the previous workshops, a bounteous “fellow’s session” was allocated for fellow’s presentations and discussion, so the fellows had enough time to talk on their individual research work, progress and others.
Darmstadt is a small city, but it is known as city with research and technologies. Besides the trainings, the fellows could visit the well-known research institutes “GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung” and “ESA (European Space Agency)” in Darmstatdt.
A social event was of cause not missing because it is important for the networking. The fellows had a nice evening together with lectures and professors in a restaurant with German ambience.
Visit our gallery on facebook to take a look at some pictures taken during the workshop in Darmsatdt.